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This is the division that focuses on ancient practices and energy modalities for accessing and balancing ones Qi, Ki, Prana, Mana, also referred to by others names, these being but a few. 

Child's Pose

We have three components that provide this feminine energy fitness and movement focused subsidiary.


Flow Yoga, Reiki and Taoist Qi Gong (medical Qi Gong) are the key modalities for concentrate on.


Flow yoga





Courses :

  • Program 1

  • Program 2

  • Program 3


Qi gong

Taoist Qi Gong emphasizes a harmony between movement and stillness. The 10 exercises of this set are relatively easy to learn yet give a tremendous benefit to the body.


A main feature of this Qi Gong set is the Meditation Stance. This posture which is a variation of Wuji Zhan Zhuang (Standing Meditation) is very effective for cultivating the body’s energy or Qi. Each exercise starts from this stance and returns to it.


Courses :

  • Program 1

  • Program 2

  • Program 3



The word “Reiki” is a combination of two Japanese words: “rei,” which means “God’s wisdom,” or “the higher power,” and “ki,” which means “life force energy.” 

“Ki is the life force energy that animates all living things,” Put together, “rei” and “ki” mean “spiritually guided life force energy.” 


Reiki therapy is a way of guiding energy throughout the body to promote the recipient’s self-healing abilities. The Reiki practitioner doesn’t cause the healing, nor are they the source of that healing energy; they are a channel for the energy — similar to the way a garden hose acts as a channel for water


Courses :

  • Program 1

  • Program 2

  • Program 3

Tropical Fruits
Yoga by the Ocean


Natalia Irizarry
Dr. Tashi Dema
Dr. Jody Lewis 
Taneya Parks
Chantal Dinnage 
Rev. Lea

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