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Tropical Leaves

ReCode your Reality 

Codes for balanced life are found in nature


Our reality and all things in it seem to be designed. Coded if you will...


Canncure is a program derived from the innate wisdom seen in natural systems, designed to update one’s human being for optimal well-being and health.

Body, Mind and Spirit

Integral and interconnected aspects that comprise our lives. 

We offer a vast library of 'Codes' that are designed by our diverse team of healers, practitioners and bio-hackers focused to upgrade your 'Operating System'.

Code is seen as a set of 'instructions' used in a 'system' to result in a particular 'output'... 

The ideal output is Being Optimal and Balanced in all meridians of life. 

I Canncure, You Canncure, The World Canncure...


With dynamic programs incorporating fringe sciences and ancient indigenous wisdom tradition healing systems we have gathered to provide an integrative and wholistic approach to healing for being balanced and at peace.

We offer membership to access online mentorship, interactive education and various formats of online media resources.


ReCode Your Reality

1. Become a Member

2. Take advantage of a free trial 

3. ReWire your routine

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Our nutritional partner InOrder is based on the theory that one’s inputs define one’s outputs. Our program is designed to reboot one’s body, mind and heart connection through the conscious and intentioned input of plant based food therapies. 

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Functional Intuitive Training is the Masculine fitness and body health division. 

From functional foot fitness, through whole body intuitive tailored body dynamic training and practices.

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This is the division that focuses on ancient practices and energy modalities for accessing and balancing one’s Qi, Ki, Prana, Mana, also referred to by other names, these being but a few. 

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The founder Tr. Dr. Jody Lewis is a traditional African Doctor, called a Sangoma. Having been intuitively guided along his path as a practitioner, in usual fashion it has and continues to be through his own rebalancing and personal healing work. Through daily focus to maintain integration of the Canncure Code and principles Jody strives to maintain an optimal life. 

Through working with indigenous healing practices of South American tribes and having multiple ancestry from numerous continents, he is quite a diverse, quirky and at times besides being unconventional practitioner has ‘transmitted’ Canncure, which he feels is a part of universal 'Source -code' imprinted in our physical, emotional and spiritual or energetic makeup, from DNA and beyond.

As an empath and channel for his Dlozi (Ancestors) he has been guided to be part of capturing this Canncure Code to download and then integrate through living practice.

Living the Program.

"Daily routine and integrating beneficial "programs" can act as an anti-virus to the current 'fear' based poison rampant throughout the collective  'Operating System' or consciousness."

- Tr. Dr. Jody Lewis


The Canncure portal is supported by a global network of evolutionary change agents updating the Operating System of our species.

In simple terms our practitioners specialise in indigenous knowledge healing systems and modalities. 





Tropical Leaves

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Suzanne Levis

Yoga at Home

"Testimonials are a great way to showcase positive feedback you've received. Click to edit and add yours."

Suzanne Levis


"Testimonials are a great way to showcase positive feedback you've received. Click to edit and add yours."

Suzanne Levis

Running in Nature

"Testimonials are a great way to showcase positive feedback you've received. Click to edit and add yours."

Suzanne Levis

From time to time the viruses permeate one’s system (body, mind or spirit) and Canncure is a deep and far reaching collection of age-old processes and practices that have allowed for many cultures to ReBoot, ReSet and ReWire their realities. 


Jody is also Director for International Affairs for the Bushman San of Southern Africa. He is focused on sharing the story of the forgotten "First Peoples of Africa" arguably this version of humanity...

Having been purposefully ostracised and marginalised in order to suffocate this ancient culture, the collective Bushman peoples find themselves at breaking point. 

Land, commodities, political sovereignty extending to basic human needs have all been under threat and still not addressed. We have established a mechanism called "Khoi Coin", a Digital Asset in the form of a token utility Crypto coin to be established on the Block Chain. The purpose of which is to raise funds through the release of a NFT based catalog of priceless cultural artefacts to be fractionally 'held' by a collective with the intention of supporting this desperate cause. 

More information can be found here...

Tropical Leaves

"Testimonials are a great way to showcase positive feedback you've received. Click to edit and add yours."

Suzanne Levis

Yoga at Home

"Testimonials are a great way to showcase positive feedback you've received. Click to edit and add yours."

Suzanne Levis


"Testimonials are a great way to showcase positive feedback you've received. Click to edit and add yours."

Suzanne Levis

Running in Nature

"Testimonials are a great way to showcase positive feedback you've received. Click to edit and add yours."

Suzanne Levis






Planet Earth

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